Sexuality as a vital need

Sexuality is one of a person's vital basic needs. It is a central part of a person's identity and personal development. Sexuality comprises biological, social and emotional components, for example. There are positive aspects such as affection, security, feeling sexual desire and satisfaction. And there are negative aspects such as the use of violence and power.

People live out and experience sexuality in different ways depending on their age and life situation. It is an important aspect of the way of life of all humans.

Sexual health

Sexuality and health are closely related. The term "sexual health" (as suggested by the World Health Organisation (WHO)) gives a good explanation:

The term "sexual health" is used to describe a state of well-being in relation to a person's sexuality. This does not only involve physical well-being, but also emotional, mental and social well-being. Accordingly, sexual health is not only about whether a person is free from disease or another form of impairment.

Requirements for sexual health

The requirements for sexual health are a positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships, as well as the possibility of having safe and pleasurable sexual experiences without coercion, discrimination and violence.

In order to attain and maintain sexual health, the sexual rights of all persons must be respected and protected.

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