Semen is produced like this:

Man standing. The focus is on the erect penis.
Penis seen from the inside: 1. testicles, 2. epididymides, 3. sperm ducts, 4. seminal vesicles, 5. prostate, 6. urethra

When is a man fertile?

The man produces semen for the first time during puberty. In general a boy becomes fertile between the ages of 12 and 15. He can then have children. Even if he is having sexual intercourse for the first time.

The man produces sperm cells his entire life. He can often have children his entire life.

Contraception: withdrawal and sterilization

A woman can only get pregnant if sperm cells enter the woman’s uterus via her vagina during her fertile days

Before he ejaculates, a man may already lose a bit of fluid that might contain sperm cells. Withdrawing the penis before ejaculation is not a safe method of contraception.

A man who has undergone sterilization produces semen without sperm cells. He can have sexual intercourse in the normal way.

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