It is best to wait to have sexual intercourse until you feel no more pain. If you had an incision in the tissue between the vagina and the anus (perineum) or it has torn, wait until it is healed. The doctor can advise you.

Be careful when you have sexual intercourse for the first time after delivery. Take it slowly and very gently.

As a couple you have to find a new balance in life. Lack of sleep, stress and emotions may influence your sex life:

Kinds of sex

Sex is more than penetration. There are different kinds of sex. You can also masturbate, caress, massage, cuddle or have oral sex with your partner

Different kinds of sex - example 1: masturbation
Different kinds of sex - example 2: caressing
Different kinds of sex - example 3: cuddling
Different kinds of sex - example 4: oral sex
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