If your menstrual period is late, you may be pregnant. You can do a pregnancy test to see if you are pregnant. There are 2 kinds of pregnancy test:

Urine test

You can buy a pregnancy test in the supermarket, drugstore or pharmacy. This kind of pregnancy test is a urine test. For a correct result, do the test when your menstrual period is already some days late.

Do the test in the following way:

  • Put the test in some of your urine.
  • Put the test down horizontally. 
  • Wait about 5 minutes to see the result on the screen of the test.
  • If the test is positive, go to a doctor. He/she will confirm your pregnancy with a blood test.
Urine test
Woman sitting on the toilet and holding one arm between her legs. The focus is on the arm between her legs.
You can urinate directly on the tip of the pregnancy test.
Or you can hold the tip of the pregnancy test in a clean container with some of your urine.
Put the test down horizontally.
Wait about 5 minutes to see the result on the screen of the test. You are only pregnant if a sign appears in both windows of the test.

Blood test

You can first do a urine test or you can immediately go to a doctor for a blood test. The doctor does a test to confirm the pregnancy. He/she takes some blood and sends it to a research lab.

You get the result the next day.

Doctor taking a blood sample from a woman.

Symptoms of pregnancy

Some women will experience the first symptoms of pregnancy early in their pregnancy

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