There is no general definition of a good relationship. You and your partner have to decide what a good relationship is for both of you.

Some important aspects of a good relationship could be:

  • Equality: both partners are equal. One partner does not dominate the other;
  • Respect and acceptance: you and your partner are 2 different people. You will always be different and you accept this;
  • Trust: you trust each other and confide in each other;
  • Communication: you express your feelings and wishes;
  • Time: you spend time with each other;
  • Interests: you share the same interests…
A man and a woman embracing out of friendship

For some people, it is important you love each other in a relationship. For other people, a good relationship is based on friendship.

A good relationship is about how you both feel. You and your partner decide if the relationship feels good.

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